Motorized monolithic hydraulic lifting doors

The monolithic doors are suitable for the isolation and closure of large spaces and environments used for processes which may also generate intense, persistent odours (biocells containing waste materials).
The Mion Ventoltermica motorized monolithic hydraulic lifting doors are built in different materials and dimensions, according to the application and use requirements, and are moved in a completely automated manner by an electrical control panel. It is (will be) possible to set the selected door to open and close as required.

Motorized monolithic hydraulic lifting doors

Further details

The Mion Ventoltermica motorized monolithic hydraulic lifting door consists of an assembly of modular panels (mono panel), with an external stainless steel or aluminium facing, assembled and framed using stainless steel and/or galvanized/painted construction steel perimeter columns (assembly frame). The door is also equipped with an internal frame for greater resistance and durability.
The door opens via a vertical movement system by means of one or more than one piston fitted on the top pillar of the door.
Additional components of the door include two side safety pistons, which prevent the door from being lowered in the event of accidental breakage or impact, and designated position sensors, all of which contribute to ensuring system safety.


  • perfect isolation and closure of spaces used for processes which may generate intense and persistent odours (biocells);
  • completely automated movement;
  • possibility of simultaneously opening multiple doors.
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